Placing an order

Select Maxmarket

Scroll down to the collection (Portion, Los, Fish.....) required.


Scroll to the required product

Select the product, for example Generalens Original Los

Select Stock or Half Stock

Here you can adjust the quantity.

Select Add to Cart to continue shopping or Buy it now

Select continue shopping.

To go to a different category, click on the three lines as shown (circled) below

Select the required category for example Portion.

Scroll down to the product

Select the product

Select Stock or Half stock as required

Select checkout

Complete with Email, contact and shipping details. The phone number is required for the courier to contact you, so best to have a contact number for a Thai speaking person.

Continue to shipping.

This gives you the shipping cost 

Select Continue to payment

You don't need to enter any of your banking or credit card details. The payment screen just gives you the  Payment details.

Select Pay Now (Or Complete Order if you see the following)

The Payment details will also appear on your order confirmation 

Select Complete order


If you abandon the checkout before completing it, Just message us here  Contact Us